Wednesday, 1 October 2008

Fantastic flight

ONE story lifted the spirits last week.

It was the tale of Yves Rossy, aka Fusionman, who became the first human jet to fly the channel.

Fusionman took ten minutes to fly from Calais to Dover with the jet-propelled wing on his back.

The Swiss adventurer had very few instruments to help him and had no flight controls, just his body. To move the wing Mr Rossy had to move his head and limbs slightly.

The wing was built by Rossy in his garage.

It took me by surprise watching his flight across the channel on the TV last week.

Will his jet wing catch-on? It would be useful in a traffic jam.

Meanwhile two weeks ago America got their hands on the Ryder Cup for the first time this century.

Nick Faldo should shoulder the majority of the blame.

It looked like he was unable to generate the team spirit, which had played a major factor in Europe’s last three wins.

He also should have spread his best players out in the final singles. America gained momentum on the final day and this was to be crucial in their win.

Despite Faldo’s failings America were the better side and deserved to win the trophy.

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