Wednesday, 5 November 2008

Custard is back

Many people will be going to firework parties this week to mark Bonfire Night.

Each year we brace the cold and stand around bonfire to remember Guy Fawkes and The Gunpowder Plot.

Here is the story of The Gunpowder Plot.
Over 400 years ago in April 1604 a group of conspirators met to think of what they could do to stop the persecution of fellow Catholics in England.

They included Robert Catesby, Thomas Percy, John Wright, Thomas Winter and Guy Fawkes.
Catesby's plan was to blow up the Lords' Chamber on November 5, which was the day Parliament opened. On that day King James I and all of Parliament would be in the room.

But Guy Fawkes was caught on November 4, with gunpowder in a vault under the Lords' Chamber.

On January 27, 1606, Guy Fawkes and seven conspirators were sentenced to death.

That same month Parliament passed a law saying November 5 should be a day of public thanksgiving.

Meanwhile did you know that custard is making a comeback. I never knew that it had gone out of fashion.

Annual sales of custard – which the French call crème anglaise – is now more than £80 million.
Custard made well can spice up many puddings. Lumpy custard, which many people have suffered at school, is to be avoided though.

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