Tuesday, 25 November 2008

Switch-on time

IT’S that time of year again – the run up to December 25.

With only a matter of weeks till Christmas, people’s thoughts are already turning to the festive period, and what they will be doing over the holiday break.

Many shops have already got Christmas trees in their windows and Christmas lights are being switched on, or are about to be turned on in towns across the country.

And soon the panto season will start with Cinderella on at both The Southport Theatre and Liverpool Empire. Pantos are as much a part of Christmas as Turkey or crackers.

The run-up to Christmas is one of my favourite times of the year.

Meanwhile, council chiefs have said they want roadside cafes to replace their greasy spoon image with healthier alternatives.

This seems to be another example of the nanny state trying to organise our lives.

Surely it is up to us to choose what we want to eat. If we want a bacon butty and a cup of tea, then it is our choice.

The roadside café is supplying a demand, and if they were to only sell salads they would surely lose trade.

Now roadside cafes who continue to serve unhealthy options could face seeing their licence cancelled.

Council bosses want to see “healthy food”, which includes low-fat grilled sausage with wholemeal bread, muesli and fruit yoghurt. I know what I would rather have. Give me a bacon sandwich and a cup of tea in the morning any day.

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